Maximize your revenue with subscriptions
Payments and billing made easy-peasy
Your own online storefront in minutes
Sell digital products any way you want
Add a native checkout flow anywhere
Increase conversions with hosted checkouts
Empower your superfans with affiliate tools
Track usage and bill based on consumption
A self-service customer portal for your store
Coupons & discounts for a feel-good checkout
Distribute free products that build interest
Let customers choose the price they pay
Global sales tax & compliance handled for you
Your always-on shield from financial fraud
Build enduring customer partnerships
Freshly squeezed platform updates
Learn what features are on the horizon
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Updates, additions and improvements to Lemon Squeezy
Today, we’re excited to announce the official Lemon Squeezy WordPress plugin.
Power up your marketing and grow your email lists with our latest feature. Introducing Lead Magnets.
On top of having control of your store, products, customers, subscriptions, and more, now you can control your store’s domain.
We’re excited to announce the new Lemon Squeezy API with support for webhooks.
After months of private beta testing with hundreds of stores, we’re excited to announce Lemon Squeezy has officially launched to the public.