Brand assets
Download official Lemon Squeezy logos, assets, product images and official badges.

Lemon Squeezy logos
We are proud of our brand, so we've put together a number of resources which can help represent the Lemon Squeezy name where needed. These assets are meticulously designed representations of our brand, so kindly ask that they are treated with care.

How to display Lemon Squeezy logos
Under no circumstances should our logos be modified, altered, or distorted in any way. This includes changes to color, proportion, or typography. Always use the provided logo files, ensuring they are displayed in their original form and with ample space around them.
Lemon Squeezy badges
For merchants who are selling their digital products via Lemon Squeezy, you can now proudly display a 'Powered by Lemon Squeezy' or 'Payments by Lemon Squeezy' badge in the footer of your site — or anywhere you would like. We offer some variations of the official badges.

How to display Lemon Squeezy badges
These badges are designed to showcase your connection with Lemon Squeezy and should be used in their original form without any modifications. Please do not alter the size, or typography of the badges. Ensure that there is sufficient clear space around the badges to maintain their visibility and impact. Color may be adjusted where necessary to fit with your own website or store theme, but we ask that the official colors are used where possible.
Product images
A select few high quality product images that display various screens from the Lemon Squeezy interface. Please feel free to use these images when mentioning Lemon Squeezy.

Learn more about Lemon Squeezy
For the full story behind Lemon Squeezy be sure to check out our about page.